
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am learning as I go and hope that my journey and experiences will help you in yours.  As a wife and working mother of two small children,  everyday is an adventure.  I can not even count how many times a day I stop and think “wow how am I going to do that” or “how are we going to make this happen”.  The purpose of this blog is for me to share some of the tips and tricks I am learning along the way.  I can’t tell you how often I am having a conversation with someone and they say “wait…how did you do that, or how did you learn to do that”.  Well that is what I am going to share here on my blog.

This blog will cover DIY tips and tricks, money saving strategies, being a working mom and everything in between.  My hope is to inspire people to take the step from dreaming about DIY projects to doing them and saving some money along the way. Also, be on the look out for new recipes and lots of guest posts.  I give credit for all that I have learned so far in my life to the wonderful people in my life. I have been lucky enough to have a huge array of friends and family that have taught me so much of what I know. I hope that this site provides you with useful tips and makes your life a little easier, more productive and fun.

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