Homemade Pizza Dough Without Yeast

Over the past couple of years, I gotten into making my own breads, rolls and pizza dough.  I used to think it was just too hard and that there were too many variables that could go wrong, but boy was I mistaken. It turns out that making your own bread is really quite simple once you get the hang of it.  Making your own pizza dough is even easier.  I used to buy dough at the grocery store for about $2 which seems like a good deal because it is.  I mean seriously, even if you buy the dough you are still going to save a ton compared to if your ordered pizza from a pizza restaurant.  About a year ago though I started experimenting with making my own pizza dough and it is so easy.  Now I must confess that having a KitchenAid stand mixer certainly makes thing easier, but it could be done by hand.  The best part about making dough is that you can make it ahead of time and then freeze it for another day.  Just take it out of the freezer and thaw in the fridge for about 24 hours.

When I first started making pizza dough, I use rapid rise yeast which works just fine.  Then I discovered that Fleishman’s makes a yeast especially for making pizza dough and it is fantastic.  So that is how I normally make it, providing I have the yeast on hand.  Well a couple of months ago, my daughter really wanted pizza for dinner. The problem was that we were out of yeast, both bread yeast and pizza yeast. What’s a mom to do.  I guess I could have gone to the store, but the thought of dragging my two kids to the store just for some yeast seemed insane to me and I was not going to do it. So the result was I decided to try to make the dough without yeast.  I mean how hard could it be?  I should be able to get a similar result from baking powder right?  The answer is yes!  The truth is I kind of like this crust better because it gets crispier than the ones made with yeast.

Here is what you need:

2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
2 3/4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. canola or olive oil
3/4 to 1 c. water

Here is what you do:

Mix the dry ingredients together in as bowl. I like to do all of this with my mixer, but by hand works great too.  Then add the oil to the water and pour the water and oil mixture into the dry mixture.  The mixture should be soft, but not too sticky.  If it seems stiff add a bit more water.  Then kneed the dough on a floured surface for 3-5 minutes.  If using a mixer, using the bread hook, allow the dough to kneed on slow to medium speed for about 3 minutes.  Then turn out the dough on a floured surface and roll to desire thickness.  Add sauce and desired toppings and cook  in a 400 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.  Keep an eye on it because the cooking time will vary depending on the size of the pizza.

Tips and tricks:

I often add ground flaxseed to my pizza dough.  Mix it in with the dry ingredients.  I add about 2-3 tbsp. for this recipe.  This really helps to add some nutritional value.  Also, feel free to subsititue some of the AP flour for whole wheat flour. I would not recommend using all whole wheat flour because it makes a very dense and heavy crust.  You could also add a couple of tbsp of wheat germ to your dough to help kick up the nutritional value a bit.  We often add a tbsp or 2 of honey to create a delicious honey wheat pizza dough.  Delicious!

You could use baking soda instead of baking powder, but you would only want to use 2 tsp of baking soda and no salt.

One of the things that I like most about making our own dough is that not only can you create any thickness crust you want, but you can also let each of the kids make their own pizza.  This would be great for a kids party or sleepover.  This way you can accomodate even the pickiest of eaters.

Hey,  did you know that a pizza stone works best when preheated?  I did not know this until recently.  A preheated stone makes for a much crispier crust.  I put the stone in the oven when I turn it on and take it out right before I am ready to put the dough on it.  Makes a huge difference.

Have you ever made your own pizza dough? Have you tried making it without yeast?  What are your favorite pizza toppings?  Thanks for reading!

41 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    We’ve been making pizza dough regularly for a while – so delicious!!

    Here’s my recipe:


    It’s a yeast dough but so flavorful with whole wheat flour. Enjoy your pizza!!

  2. 3

    Teri said,

    Does the yeast free dough freeze well ??

  3. 5

    […] if it is too sticky.  I used half whole wheat flour in the dough.  You could also use a yeast free dough in this recipe if you wanted. Pizza dough! I used half whole wheat […]

  4. 6

    Just tried it! Yummy!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. 8

    Corrie said,

    Afternoon could you give me a bread recipe that uses baking powder please, thank you, corrie

  6. 10

    yesterdaysepilogue said,

    I never use commercial yeast to make any of my bread or pizza doughs. And I do it without baking powder/soda, too. I keep a sourdough starter going.

    2 cups flour to 1 cup warm water. Mix it together and let it sit out, covered only with a cheesecloth. Everyday, for two weeks, remove 1 cup and add 1 cup of flour and 1/2 cup warm water. By the end of two weeks, it’s ready to start using. I never need to buy yeast. I feed it every time I bake, using what I’ve removed as my sponge. The older the starter gets, the more depth of flavor the dough has. Once upon a time, this was how all breads are made. I’m never going back to using commercial yeasts again.

  7. 13

    caroll said,


  8. 14

    […] 2 Medium Flour Tortillas. I used fat free all natural tortillas from Whole Foods. The tortillas don’t have any bad additives. You can also make your own yeast free dough.* […]

  9. 15

    Caterina Puglia said,

    Can I freeze homemade pizza dough using Rapid Rise yeast. And do I let it rise first before putting in freezer. Someone told me I’ll loose the full effect of the yeast.

    • 16

      Kelly Y. said,

      Yes you can! I usually let it rise one time (I make a big batch then portion it off and freeze). The most important part is that you kneed it when you make it. You do not have to let it rise but I think it is a little better if you do. So, make the dough, let it rise, portion it and freeze. Then thaw in fridge overnight. Then place in a warm spot to rise before using. Perfect pizza dough every time! Let me know how it works out!

  10. 17

    Connie said,

    Instead of taking a hot pizza stone out of the oven I roll my dough on a piece of parchment paper. I then slide my pizza paddle under the parchment paper and place it on the pizza stone. After a few minutes I remove the parchment paper which easily slides off the stone. Sometimes I get busy and forget but not to worry the paper does not catch on fire. If you’ve never used it try it as parchment paper has many uses.

    • 18

      Kelly Y. said,

      Wow Connie thank you for the great tip. I have never tried that before but I certainly will! You are absolutely right that parchment paper has many uses. I always use the pre-cut pieces on my cookie sheet when I make cookies bc it makes the cookie brown much more evenly. Thanks for the great tip!

  11. 19

    Hi!! It’s so wonderful that you posted this recipe! My four year old and I made this dough tonight and it went really really well. Even baby sister (who normally throws at least two or three handfuls of whatever we eat on the floor) enjoyed the mini pizzas we made and was looking for more.

    I found that using a full cup of water worked well all together instead of just 3/4 cup but hey, I’m in Iceland maybe the water is different here for baking hehe.

  12. 20

    Asha said,

    Hello! Recipe looks great! Just wondering if you could use this same recipe for dough to make a Stromboli?

  13. 22

    Mel said,

    Could I make this early in the day/day before and stick in fridge until ready to roll and bake? Thanks! I am so excited to find a recipe that is simple with just a few ingredients all that of which I have on hand 🙂

    • 23

      Kelly Y. said,

      Yes that is a great idea. Just make sure you give it time to warm up before you try to roll it or it will be very difficult to roll. Let me know how you like the dough. Thanks!

  14. 24

    Eva said,

    Hello, just found your recipe on pinterest. I would like to know: is it an american size cup you are using? Or could you tell me how many cc? Cups here in Japan are 200cc, but other countries have other sizes. Thank you!

  15. 26

    Vanessa said,

    What is a pizza stone?

  16. 28

    JoAnn said,

    If heating stone , is it easy to put dough on it.. I use my stone all the time for pizza , never preheated it….

    • 29

      Kelly Y. said,

      I make the pizza on a sheet tray dusted with cornmeal then just slide the pizza off onto the hot stone. Pretty easy, just don’t forget to use cornmeal so it doesn’t stick.

  17. 30

    Jennifer Sandi said,

    I made this last night and it was great. My family loved it! I’m going to make again today and freeze for later. This is my dough for my Super Bowl pizza game day.

  18. 32

    Alisha said,

    Thank you so much for sharing your recipe. I’ve made it a few times already and the whole family loves it! It’s so simple to make, too! I like to add a tablespoon of Italian Seasoning to it to add some extra flavor. Thanks again for sharing!!

  19. 33

    Breeona said,

    Can I use self-rising flour?

  20. 35

    hannah said,

    Hey! How many pizzaa does this recipe make? 🙂

  21. 37

    Amy Detmers said,

    Can I add spices (i.e. garlic powder to make garlic knots or breadsticks to have with spaghetti)

  22. 39

    Sam said,

    This recipe is amazing! Worked like a charm. Thanks for sharing!

  23. 41

    Karen said,

    Thanks for your recpipe. I usually use yeast but decided I would try yours. My grandkids live in Louisiana and we live in Texas. Whenever they come they alwauywant to make their own pizzas! What fun!!

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